First of all, there were many great looking cross-platform titles, and even cross-generation.
Metal Gear Solid 5
Battlefield 4, Dragon Age 3, Rayman Legends, The Division, Watchdogs, Destiny, Witcher 3, Dark Souls 2
I already wrote about exclusives by the first parties: Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo.
My take-away message is that XBox One will have lots of great games, but PS4 will be $100 cheaper and have a lot of its own great games without the DRM and weird, creepy, and confusing online policies. Nintendo continues to be Nintendo in its own bubble, but I continue to love Nintendo games. I will probably get a PS4 (eventually) and my Wii U will quickly become my Nintendo box. I will lament not being able to play Titanfall.
As I was writing this, Microsoft, updated their DRM policies:
It’s really interesting that Microsoft did a 180 on their DRM policies, but it doesn’t affect my initial decision to go with the PS4 over the XBox One. In fact, I can’t help but be a little disappointed. Microsoft was doing something different, and I was genuinely interested to see how it was going to play out, watching safely from a distance. There’s no denying there were advantages to what they were proposing (10 person family plan, no disc switching, etc), but I guess Microsoft was assuming Sony was going to implement some form of DRM as well. Sony keeping to the traditional model and a lot of negative press forced Microsoft’s hand. There is now a lot less setting the two consoles apart: Kinect and $100. The next wild card is the Steam Box.