Ubisoft had a great show. Minus an awkward duo of hosts, and a drawn out Shootmania demonstration, everything they showed had impact. Definitely my overall show of the day.
- FarCry 3
Started really intensely with rituals, tribal paint, and nipples. Looks awesome. NSFW.
- Rayman Legends
Looks really fun! And it was the first gameplay demo of the Wii U.
- ZombiU
(was Killer Freaks) for Wii U – Nice CG trailer, but that’s all that was shown. I really hope the gameplay isn’t what was included in the “Zombie Shooter” game from the Nintendo Direct video. I may cry. (Didn’t look very good.)
- Other Wii U titles announced: Rabbids Land, Avengers: Battle for Earth (motion control), Your Shape Fitness, Sports Connection, Just Dance 4, and, of course, …
- Assassin’s Creed 3
The more I see of this game, the better it looks. Trailer:
- Watch Dogs
This game looks amazing. Update: Confirmed for PS3, 360, and PC. Wii U “not at this time.”