Okay, this is pretty cool that it’s happening, (just like the Humble Nindi Bundle and the Humble Friends of Nintendo Bundle), but the content is unfortunately quite old or already common. Since most of the games are PS3 (many of which I already have), and my PS3 is currently unhooked, it’s not super intriguing to me. I will be passing on this one. But here is the extensive list of games!
Tag Archives: PS3
Review: Spec Ops: The Line
Platform: PS3
Published: June 2012, North America
Publisher: 2K Games
Developer: Yager Development (single player), Darkside Game Studios (multiplayer)
8/10 – Unique narrative, setting, and refreshing commentary within a very functional cover-based shooter.
Sony E3 2013
Sony’s conference started kind of slowly and generally had much more talking than was necessary. They finally revealed the appearance of the PlayStation 4 console, a modern looking, slanted box; not nearly as large as the XBox One and it can be placed vertically – I like it. There weren’t nearly as many games as in the Microsoft conference. A new game, The Order: 1886 was teased; a Victorian Steam-punk setting with …werewolves? Yes, please. inFAMOUS Second Son looks good and I’m sure Killzone: Shadow Fall will be a competent and pretty shooter and Knack looks decent. But nothing I saw made me think I must have “Next Gen” on day one (though that remains a strong possibility, regardless).
At one point, Sony had a bunch of indie developers each on their own piece of stage playing their game. It’s always great to see love for the little guys. The games that stood out to me were Mercenary Kings, Octodad: Dadliest Catch, Outlast, and Galak-Z. And, of course, Transistor.
Sony’s big announcement, ironically, wasn’t games or the form factor of their new system, but Continue reading “Sony E3 2013” »
Use a PS3 Controller on Linux (USB)
With Steam recently coming to Linux, and all the great humble bundles, it’s becoming more and more important to have a good gamepad to use on your Linux PC. If you’re a console gamer, you probably already have an XBox 360 or a PS3 controller. In fact, plug in your controller via USB and it probably already works. Unfortunately, many games (Hotline Miami, Super Meat Boy, Bastion, etc.) assume you have a 360 controller and the button mappings of a PS3 dualshock controller will be horribly skewed (the PS3 select button is 360’s A button). In some games, like Cave Story+, this is not a problem because they allow custom key mappings within the program. Some correctly detect the PS3 controller. However, many games just assume a 360 controller, so it simplifies things if you make the dualshock pretend to be a 360 controller. Luckily, there’s a program that does just this: xboxdrv
Review: Prince of Persia (PS3)
Platforms: PS3, XBox360, Windows, OSX
Platforms Played: PS3
Published: 2008
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
7/10 – A unique blend of platforming, timing, exploration, and beautiful visuals.
Flow of movement is paramount to this game, and that is when Prince of Persia is at its best: you feel like an agile bad-ass, wall-running, swinging on rings like a monkey, flying through the air, running up walls, and generally gliding effortlessly over the landscape and obstacles. Some timing is required for the correct buttons but it’s fairly forgiving, it’s almost like a platforming rhythm game with some adventure thrown in. It’s quite unique, and when things are going well, it’s very satisfying.
E3 2012 Day 1 – Sony
Sony’s show had definite high points, but the Wonderbook demo lasted way too long and they didn’t have the volume of titles they usually have. It was also the source of the loudest applause all day following the announcement that everyone attending would receive a year of PlaystationPlus. Not bad.
- Beyond: Two Souls
Quantic Dream’s new game, makers of Heavy Rain. Ellen Page playing the lead. Didn’t really see gameplay, just (in-game) movie, but it was an intriguing in-game movie that looked beautiful. See for yourself: